Charitas protocol was built to encourage investors to appreciate the value and support the development and access to the Charitas application.
Introduction Charity is the act of voluntarily giving goods or time to other people in need without expecting anything in return. Usually someone does charity as a social responsibility or wants to leave a good impression on society. In modern times like today, to do charity action is not too difficult, there are many charities that are ready to collect money or goods from society and will give it to people in need. Even these secure platforms are available online, which people can easily access through their devices. But what if cryptocurrency meets charity? introduced Charitas, a community-based protocol that is revolutionizing the way we fund charities. In general, Charitas is a DeFi platform that allows people to maximize their profits with various features such as static gifts, charity, provision of liquidity pools and token burning. However, what distinguishes Charitas from similar platforms is that Charitas focuses on providing a financial platform that accepts donat...